In this SHOT Show Q&A, we had the opportunity to speak with SHOT Show University presenter Zak Keehn from Rugged Suppressors. We asked Zak, a veteran showgoer, why SHOT Show is a must-attend event, his advice for how to get the most out of the show and what to expect from his SHOT University presentation, “Guide to Maximizing Suppressor Sales.”
Rugged Suppressors aims to be the best silencer manufacturer in the U.S. by focusing on positive customer interactions, producing superior products and continuously developing new products to outpace the competition.
Visit the Rugged Suppressors booth in the Venetian Expo Level 2 Booth #14434.
Why is SHOT Show a must-attend event for you every year?
It's really important for rugged suppressors because we get to be in front of the clients, especially since we mostly work with dealers and distributors, so it's a great chance to interact with them. A lot of times, when we go to shows and events and it's on the customer side, we don't get to talk to dealers much, so SHOT Show is a great opportunity to work with the dealers, get feedback from them and build relationships with other companies in general.
What advice do you have for someone to make the most of SHOT Show?
A big thing for me, especially as a vendor, is making a list of booths that you'd like to see and check out and products you'd like to see ahead of time because you don't always have tons of time to walk around and it can just get super overwhelming. With everything SHOT Show provides, you can get a map to plan exactly where you want to go with the Booths. Otherwise, you could literally spend days walking around, seeing everything there is to see. If you're limited on time, utilizing the SHOT Show resources ahead of time is something I definitely recommend.
Tell us about your SHOT University presentation, “Guide to Maximizing Suppressor Sales.”
One of the big things we've seen is a massive jump in people's interest in suppressors with the shortened NFA eForm 4 wait times. We have had a lot of dealers interested in selling suppressors, so the course is going over that. For dealers that may or may not have sold suppressors, it can get overwhelming with all the different kinds of categories out there mounts and things along those lines.
We will talk about the benefits of suppressors in general so they can better explain to customers why they may want to get a suppressor, how to get your Special Occupational Taxpayer (SOT) license and the compliance aspects. We'll cover getting set up as a SOT, the purchase process and helping a customer through that. Then, we'll review the different categories of suppressors to help the dealer, employee and ultimately, the customer understand the amounts and accessories to ensure they get the right product.
Why should others attend SHOT UniversitySM?
SHOT Show is essentially what you make it. You can show up there, make some awesome network connections and get a ton of education or end up wandering around and not getting as much from it. I think going to SHOT University is a great way to come back with new education on how to improve your business and learn more in general. It also provides an excellent opportunity to network with many other people.
When and where will your session take place?
We'll be on level three in the Morano Ballroom on January 21, 8 to 9:00 a.m.

Enroll in this and other educational opportunities during the SHOT Show® registration process, or add sessions anytime to your registration. Seats will be limited. Enroll early to get your spot!
Enrollment Fees Per Session: $40 NSSF Members | $75 Non-Members. Learn more about NSSF Membership here.

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